
Canada Post Strike

Due to the Canada Post strike, some of our services are temporarily unavailable. Fingerprints sent to and from the RCMP in Ottawa by mail cannot be processed or delivered during the strike. Thank you for your understanding.

Non-Emergency 604-525-5411

Emergency 9-1-1

Requirements and Qualifications

Minimum Requirements


Applicants must meet all of the following minimum requirements in order to have their application accepted.


CITIZENSHIP Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident


MINIMUM AGE 19 years of age or older


DRIVER’S LICENSE Valid Class 5 Driver’s License


PHOTO Two current passport style photographs in color


HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION High school graduation certificate, GED, or Canadian Adult Education Credential


POST SECONDARY EDUCATION A minimum of 30 post-secondary credits or an equivalent combination of education, training, and experience.

Education completed outside of Canada must be evaluated by the International Credential Evaluation Service (ICES)


FIRST AID CERTIFICATE Must possess and maintain a current basic first aid certificate

Acceptable First Aid Certificates include: Emergency, Survival, Standard, Occupational, or First Responder.

A CPR Certificate alone does not suffice


VISION Minimum unaided vision 6/12(20/40) in one eye, 6/30(20/100) in the other

Correctable to 6/6(20/20) and 6/9(20/30)

Depth perception must be normal

For color vision: Applicant must pass the Ishihara test or Farnsworth D-15 test. If necessary, an ophthalmologist’s opinion will be requested to determine the type and severity of a deficiency.

Excimer Corneal Laser Surgery is acceptable – must have been performed at least three months prior to application

Radial Keratotomy is not acceptable


HEARING Hearing loss in one ear not greater than 50dB and the other ear not greater than 30dB in the 500 – 3000 CPS range


PHYSICAL ABILITIES Must be able to complete a rigorous physical fitness test (POPAT) and a comprehensive medical examination


BACKGROUND Ability to successfully complete a thorough background investigation



Preferred Qualifications


Applicants possessing any of the preferred qualifications noted below, in addition to all of the required minimum qualifications, will be given preference in the selection process.


WORK HISTORY We are looking for employees who are the top performers in their present work role, whose work history is stable, dependable and discipline free

Experience interacting with the public in both positive and negative situations is an advantage


VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE Demonstrated commitment to the community through preferred volunteer experience

Police Reserves/Auxiliary, Victim Assistance, Crime Watch, Blockwatch, and Community Police Office Volunteer, or any service club participation would be an asset


POST SECONDARY EDUCATION A degree, diploma or other certification in any field of study

Preferred areas of study include: Criminology, Psychology, Sociology, Business, Recreation, and Service/Hospitality


SECOND LANGUAGE Fluency in a language other than English is a definite asset


FIRST AID Industrial First Aid or Level 3 First Aid


COMMUNICATION SKILLS Excellent verbal and written communication skills


SENSITIVITY Ability to demonstrate sensitivity to people of diverse cultures, lifestyles, and ethnicity


INTERPERSONAL SKILLS In previous work, volunteer, and social settings, candidates must have consistently demonstrated the traits of tact, diplomacy, and common sense


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