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Recruit Training

Five new constables stand outside the JIBC.

If you are successful in the recruitment process, you will be required to attend recruit training at the Justice Institute of British Columbia (JIBC) located in New Westminster, BC. At the Basic Peace Officer Training Program (Police Academy) you will undergo intensive training to ensure you are properly prepared for the challenges and unique situations you will face as a police officer.

Recruit Constables start at the 4th Class Constable rate of $83,784 and receive benefits while undergoing recruit training, but are responsible for the program tuition fee. The tuition fee for the Police Academy is $14,585. The JIBC is an accredited post-secondary institution, so your tuition is tax deductible. Additionally, the NWPD offers tuition reimbursement on loans taken out for tuition at the JIBC.

Recruit training is composed of three separate “blocks” of training.

Block I

Block I (14 weeks) takes place at the Police Academy. It places heavy emphasis on police skills, legal studies, physical fitness, foot drill, and an introduction to the social sciences. The intent of Block I is to develop a relevant knowledge base for the Block II field training.

Block II

In Block II (18 to 21 weeks), the recruit constable returns to the NWPD for field training. During this field-training component, the recruit will work under the guidance and continuous assistance of an experienced, specially trained constable (field trainer). The field trainer is responsible for ensuring the recruit receives a wide exposure to general police work. As a result, the recruit has the opportunity to apply the knowledge gained in Block I within an operational setting.

Block III

In Block III (9 weeks), the recruit constable returns to the Police Academy. This block builds on the knowledge of Block I, and the practical experience of Block II, to prepare the recruit to succeed independently upon graduation. After successfully completing Block III, the recruit graduates as a “Qualified Municipal Constable”.


Professional Development

There are many opportunities throughout your career to develop your skills as a police officer through a wide variety of courses and training both internally and externally. The NWPD also offers financial assistance to those wishing to expand their education through courses at the JIBC, Canadian Police College, and other accredited post-secondary institutions.


For more information or inquiries regarding police constable recruit training, please see the Justice Institute of British Columbia website.

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