Non-Emergency 604-525-5411

Emergency 9-1-1

Continued Theft from Autos in New West

There is an increase in theft from vehicles in the city. Thieves are searching for anything left behind in vehicles. If the door is open, they’re going in. Always lock your car doors and do not leave any visible items in your car. Thieves will look for unlocked vehicles and will steal anything that catches their attention including: loose change, shopping bags, insurance papers, or garage door openers. Underground parkades and parking lots are targeted because thieves can break into multiple vehicles. These thefts are preventable by waiting for the garage gate to close, removing everything and securing your vehicle. If you park on the street, please follow the steps outlined by the Integrated Municipal Provincial Auto Crime Team website to prevent these thefts.

We’re hoping everyone can incorporate the “9 PM Routine” into their evening and if you see someone actively breaking into vehicles call 9-1-1 right away.

If we work together we can make a difference.

For more information visit our crime prevention webpage or contact our Crime Prevention Team at 604‐529‐2446.