Non-Emergency 604-525-5411

Emergency 9-1-1

Police target shoplifting year-round with renewed initiative

New Westminster – Following the busy holiday shopping season, the New Westminster Police Department (NWPD) is once again launching an initiative to combat shoplifting and violent thefts in local businesses. Building on the success of past projects, the NWPD Crime Reduction Unit is continuing its partnership with Downtown and Uptown Business Improvement Associations to address this persistent issue.

“We take shoplifting seriously all year long,” stated Sergeant Sean Schultz. “I won’t say when and I won’t say where, but if you are going to shoplift, you can expect to meet the Crime Reduction Unit.”

The initiative focuses on raising awareness, deterring potential offenders, and ensuring a safe shopping environment for both staff and customers. Shoplifting often involves risks of injury to employees and the public, as well as significant financial losses to businesses.

The NWPD believes that shoplifting and violent thefts are often underreported. Officers encourage retail staff to report incidents by calling 604-525-5411 or, in the case of thefts in progress, dialing 9-1-1. Online reporting is also available for certain non-emergency situations at

“Employees and customers should not have to face violence in retail environments,” said Sergeant Andrew Leaver. “Business owners and staff have had enough, and we’re here to support them.”

This project is funded in part by the Special Investigations and Targeted Enforcement Program, under the provincial government’s Safer Communities Action Plan.

Retailers seeking safety and crime prevention resources or looking to collaborate with the Crime Reduction Unit are encouraged to contact Sergeant Sean Schultz at


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CONTACT PERSON: Hailey Finnigan