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Patrol watch revives four people in seven days with Naloxone

New Westminster – One of the patrol watches at the New Westminster Police Department have experienced a recent increase in the number of people revived with Naloxone. The officers used the drug to save the lives of four people in the past seven days.

“We’re glad our officers located these people when they did and were able to provide lifesaving intervention,” Stated Sergeant Andrew Leaver. “This past week has been a reminder of how often Naloxone is used by our patrol officers, and with great success – we are thankful that all of our members have access to it.”

All four people who were revived with Naloxone were found in the Downtown neighbourhood. Two of the individuals in medical distress were located while police conducted proactive foot patrols. The New Westminster Police Department works closely with BC Emergency Health Services Paramedics to ensure medical treatment is available for overdose incidents.

The New Westminster Police Department adopted the use of Naloxone in February of 2017 as a means to save lives in opioid overdose situations. The drug, which enters the body through a nasal spray, reverses the effects of opioids. New Westminster Police Department would like to encourage people using drugs to practice harm reduction strategies. Helpful information can be found on the Fraser Health website


CONTACT PERSON: Hailey Finnigan
