Non-Emergency 604-525-5411

Emergency 9-1-1

Patrol officers make arrest and seize replica handgun

New Westminster – On June 24th at approximately 10:00pm the New Westminster Police Department received a 9-1-1 call from a security guard who said he saw a man with a handgun in the vicinity of Tanaka Court and Gifford Street. Officers rushed to the area and arrested the suspect who was found to have what appeared to be a handgun in his possession.

The handgun was seized and upon closer inspection, it was found to be a replica firearm. This incident is still under investigation and weapons related offences will be recommended.

“We take all calls possibly involving firearms very seriously,” stated Sergeant Andrew Leaver. “To ensure everyone’s safety, we treat all firearms as real until we can prove otherwise. We discourage people carrying these.”

The New Westminster Police Department would like to thank the security guard who called 9-1-1 in the moment, allowing officers to quickly arrive on scene and locate the suspect. Residents who are witnessing a crime in progress are best served by calling 9-1-1 immediately as it allows police to arrive quickly and make arrests.

A firearm on the pavement.


CONTACT PERSON: Hailey Finnigan