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NWPD looking for additional victims after man charged with sex related offences

New Westminster – On May 17th, 2021, the New Westminster Police Department arrested Marcio Leite Cerquinho following allegations of sex offenses against a youth victim. The alleged offences occurred on May 14th. Crown Counsel approved the following charges:

Sexual Interference, contrary to Section 151 CC
Invitation to Sexual Touching, contrary to Section 152 CC
Sexual Exploitation, contrary to Section 153 CC

The accused was released by a judge with numerous conditions. The New Westminster Police – Major Crime Unit has assumed conduct of the investigation, which remains on-going. Major Crime Unit investigators are working to determine if any additional victims have been exploited by Marcio Leite Cerquinho. “Our investigators believe it is possible there are additional youth who have had sexual offenses committed on them by Mr. Leite Cerquinho,” stated Sergeant Sanjay Kumar. “If parents or guardians believe youth in their care have been unsupervised in the presence of Mr. Leite Cerquinho, and may be victims of sex related offenses, they’re asked to call the Major Crime Unit.”

The Major Crime Unit is working closely with the Victim Assistance Unit and counsellors on this file. The New Westminster Police Department provides a victim-centered approach and a trauma-informed practice.

Anyone with more information, or who may have been a victim of a similar offence, is asked to contact the New Westminster Police Department – Major Crime Unit at 604-529-2430.


CONTACT PERSON: Sergeant Sanjay Kumar
PHONE: 604-529-2537