Non-Emergency 604-525-5411

Emergency 9-1-1

NWPD Host Annual Commercial Vehicle Inspection

New Westminster – On October 3rd through October 5th the NWPD Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Unit and Traffic Unit, in partnership with the provincial Commercial Vehicle Safety and Enforcement Branch, have enlisted the support of policing and regulatory enforcement agencies from across British Columbia for an annual three day commercial vehicle safety initiative.

With the number of commercial vehicles utilizing New Westminster’s roadways, this will be one of the largest initiatives of its type in the province. The focus of the blitz will be on business vehicles that may not be properly maintained and could ultimately pose a danger on our roads.

The Inspectors will be using their expertise to focus on vehicles that are not likely to pass an inspection. This is accomplished through a quick visual inspection in conjunction with vehicle type and carrier history. Main items checked during inspection are the vehicles’ mechanical components and driver qualifications, specifically brakes, tires, lights, steering, load security, driver licensing and fatigue.

The New Westminster Police Department is one of the very few police departments that maintain a dedicated team of Vehicle Inspectors. This is a great example of federal, provincial, and municipal agencies working together with community support to increase the safety level on our roads.


Media Availability:

On Wednesday, October 4th from 10:30am until 11:00am the New Westminster Police Department and CVSE JFO will be in the 500 block of Royal Avenue, New Westminster, where the media is invited to attend to film or photograph the initiative, and to speak to the coordinators of the JFO. New Westminster Police Department Sergeant Jeff Scott will be on site, along with Steven Bauer, CVSE Regional Manager.