New Westminster – The New Westminster Police Department would like the community to be aware we are working closely with Provincial Probation to ensure the safety of the community after an offender has moved into New Westminster, who is believed to be a high risk to re-offend.
Jared Edward Harris, who has an extensive criminal record, has since moved into a New Westminster transition house after receiving a Peace Bond for causing fear of a sexual offence to a person under 14 years old. Mr. Harris’ criminal convictions include breaking and entering, assault with a weapon, forcible entry, indecent act, invitation to sexual touching, and multiple breaches of court orders.
Notably, in March 2013, Mr. Harris was convicted of unlawfully being in a dwelling house and invitation to sexual touching against two young children, after walking into an opened garage in Delta. Mr. Harris received a 30 month sentence in Federal custody for these offences.
“We’re concerned that Mr. Harris is a high-risk to re-offend. Because of the severity of his offences and history of breaching his conditions, we want the public to be well aware of our concern and to be reassured that we are doing everything we can to ensure public safety,” stated Media Relations Officer Sergeant Jeff Scott. “Our Major Crime Unit is working closely with Mr. Harris’ Probation Officer to actively and closely monitor him. All of our police officers, and law enforcement in surrounding agencies, have been made aware of Mr. Harris’ risk and current court ordered conditions.”
The NWPD believes that Mr. Harris is a risk to re-offend and wants the public to be aware that he has several court ordered conditions, including:
- He must reside as directed in a place selected by his Probation Officer.
- He must submit to having his picture taken by any Peace Officer throughout the term of his supervision.
- Harris shall not possess, own, or carry any weapon.
- Harris shall not consume or possess alcohol or any controlled substance listed in the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act.
- Harris shall not enter any liquor store, beer and/or wine stores, or business whose primary purpose is the sale or distribution of alcoholic beverages.
- Harris shall have no contact, direct or indirect, with anyone under the age of 16 years, save and except as necessary for a commercial transaction in a place of business.
- Harris must not attend a public park or public swimming area where persons under the age of 16 years are present or can reasonably be expected to be present, or a daycare centre, school ground, or playground.
If you observe Mr. Harris in violation of his court ordered conditions, you are asked to call the NWPD immediately at 604-525-5411, or call 911.
