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NWPD conducts external investigation involving Coquitlam RCMP

New Westminster – On Friday October 28th 2016 the Royal Canadian Mounted Police requested that the New Westminster Police Department investigate an incident that involves officers of the Coquitlam RCMP and an elderly couple.


The investigation will include the initial call for service, which occurred on October 27th 2016 at 10:32pm. Police were called to the Best Western on North Road in Coquitlam after a strata meeting had gotten out of hand and some parties were potentially fighting.


The NWPD Major Crime Unit has now taken conduct of the investigation. Detectives will complete a thorough and objective investigation to ensure that all the facts of the case are explored.


“As with every investigation, our Major Crime Unit will conduct themselves fairly and impartially while they look at all the evidence which includes speaking with witnesses, speaking with the parties  involved, examining video surveillance and following up on any other investigational lead they require,” stated Media Relations Officer Acting Sergeant Jeff Scott “We’re aware of the sensitivity of this investigation, and we’ll be providing a Korean speaking police officer to speak with those involved, and any other care that we have available to ensure a fair and through investigation is completed.”

