If the crime you are reporting is an emergency, call 9-1-1.
If the crime you are reporting is not an emergency, you can call the non-emergency line at 604-525-5411 or attend our Front Counter at 555 Columbia Street, New Westminster, BC.
New Westminster Police will be increasing their enforcement in school zones for the start of school September 6. We ask everyone to be vigilant with roadside safety. We ask motorists to please increase their defensive driving habits when it comes to pedestrian safety. Extra care in school zones, intersections, and marked crosswalks are the hallmark of all good, defensive drivers.
We ask pedestrians to please keep in mind that motorists may have difficulties in seeing them, particularly if it is dark, raining, or overcast. Be aware of wearing dark clothing and how it will affect a pedestrian’s visibility to motorists. Pedestrians do have the right of way at intersections and crosswalks however; pedestrians should make eye contact with motorists to confirm that they do indeed see them. Walk when the signal allows, Do not ‘jaywalk’.
All school zones also have pick up and drop off locations for parents. These locations are designed for the children’s safety as well as easy entrance and exiting from school property. Parents please set a good example and use these designated drop off areas. It can be dangerous to have cars stopping in the middle of the street and children jaywalking in busy traffic.
Our police school liaison officers, in conjunction with school safety programs, instruct children on bicycle and pedestrian safety however, parents reaffirming this safety message to their children can go a long way in making safety priority number one. For maps of the safest walking routes to school please visit the City of New Westminster website.