If the crime you are reporting is an emergency, call 9-1-1.
If the crime you are reporting is not an emergency, you can call the non-emergency line at 604-525-5411 or attend our Front Counter at 555 Columbia Street, New Westminster, BC.
A huge thank you to everyone who made the 2016 Soccer School a success. Volunteers, coaches, organizers, kids and parents, we couldn’t have done it without you!
A huge shout out to our partners:
The Castle Neighbourhood Grill – provided a BBQ to over 400 people – kids and adults
G & F Financial for a bursary to trophy for best sportsmanship award
Caps Bicycle for 2 bikes and cool helmets
Starbucks – 6th And Columbia – daily coffee
New Westminster Fire and Rescue
Sticky’s Candy
Hyack Trophies
English Bay Batter
New Westminster Police Department
Victim Assistance Unit and Crime Prevention Volunteers
Air 1
Soccer Xpress and Big Kahuna for all the gear
Photos can be found on our Facebook page. You don’t need a Facebook account to view these photos.