New Westminster – In light of the recent reports of drug overdoses throughout the lower mainland, the NWPD wants the public to be aware of three recent overdoses suspected to be from drug use in New Westminster within the last week. Although the exact cause of these three separate occurrences has yet to be determined from a medical standpoint, investigators noted drug paraphernalia at each of the scenes and received witness reports of drug use in all three cases. Of these occurrences, one resulted in a fatality while the other two individuals were saved as a result of receiving emergency medical attention.
“Drug use is something we see on a daily basis and is not something we would ever consider to be a safe practice” stated Acting Staff Sergeant Chad Johnston. “We are asking those individuals who make the choice to consume any type of drug to please consider the potential deadly result prior to choosing this path.”
The NWPD is aware of the recent reports of various street drugs being laced with Fentanyl. Although there is nothing to suggest these overdoses occurred as a result of Fentanyl, we cannot discount this possibility at this time and want to remind the public of the dangers of any type of drug use at any time.