Non-Emergency 604-525-5411

Emergency 9-1-1

NWPD Responds to Amended Marijuana Laws

New Westminster – The New Westminster Police Department advise that they will continue with business as usual in the face of the amended Marijuana laws which take effect on April 1, 2014.

Medical Marijuana dispensaries are illegal in the City of New Westminster and will continue to be illegal after April 1, 2014. The NWPD are aware of all legitimate businesses operating within New Westminster because they must obtain a business licenses. Marijuana dispensaries are not granted business licenses and therefore can be shut down for a variety of reasons. Those employed at the dispensaries can be subject to criminal charges for the possession of marijuana for the purpose of trafficking and for trafficking of marijuana.  The NWPD have taken action against a marijuana dispensary in the past and will take action again if the public are at risk by its operation or if information is received that marijuana is being dispensed without a legitimate prescription from a doctor.

“The New Westminster Police Department take complaints by the public very seriously,” said Chief Constable Dave Jones. “Many times, we are guided by our public and although we are not actively seeking out the dispensaries, if members of the public report any issues, we will take action which will include criminal enforcement.”
