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Saving Lives During Operation Impact

Operation ImpactNew Westminster – New Westminster Police will be out in force this coming long weekend for Operation Impact, which runs October 11 – 14, 2013. This national campaign to make Canada’s roads the safest in the world is a police initiative designed to remind people that an essential part traffic enforcement and education is to save lives and reduce injuries on our roadways.

Operation Impact has been strategically chosen for a holiday long weekend as more people are traveling and traffic collisions are more frequent. The focus of the operation will be on changing behaviours that put drivers, passengers and other road users most at risk: impaired driving, seat belt use, and all aspects related to aggressive and distracted driving. All enforcement agencies across the country have been invited to participate.

“Carelessness behind the wheel is often one of the main contributing factors in serious motor vehicle collisions, which can result in life changing injuries or death,” says Chief Constable Dave Jones. “Police agencies across the country are collaborating on this project because they know that the engagement of the driving public is essential to safer streets and highways.”

People killed or injured in traffic collisions are more than just statistics, they represent moms, dads, sisters, brothers, loved ones, co-workers, friends and neighbours. The New Westminster Police Department is committed to reducing these types of collisions and that is why, in support of Operation Impact, our members will be conducting enhanced enforcement against impaired and distracted drivers as well as drivers engaging in high risk or aggressive behaviours such as failing to wear seatbelts, tailgating, speeding and disobeying traffic control devices at intersections.

Operation Impact is sponsored by the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police (CACP) and member agencies of the CACP Traffic Committee from across Canada in support of Canada’s Road Safety Strategy 2015, which has a goal of making Canada’s roads the safest in the world by 2015.
