The New Westminster Police Department advise that with warm days and nights approaching, criminals will often target residences on those warm summer nights as they are only too aware that many unsuspecting home owners will leave doors or windows ajar. Visit your local police agencies Crime Prevention section for information and brochures on break and enter prevention. Crime Stoppers ( also has some excellent idea’s to target harden your home. Here are a few ideas to begin implementing:
Suspects in Break and Enters use various ways to enter homes and businesses, including smashing windows, prying locks or simply kicking in doors. Other common entry points are unlocked doors and windows. Most often, a culprit will spend very little time in a house. Once inside, thieves are often looking for items that they can physically carry away from the scene. Personal items and valuables like car keys, purses and wallets are often within easy reach of the door.
Residents should be aware that warmer weather often brings seasonal crime. As a result of this, we caution residents to ensure homes are well-lit and locked, even if you are simply working in your yard. We also encourage residents to use their alarm system if they have one.
Police are also asking residents to be observant and report any suspicious activity. An example might be a person or a vehicle unfamiliar to the observer or a vehicle that enters a driveway, remains for a short time and then leaves.
While there are, from time to time, legitimate businesses or charities that solicit business or donations in a door-to-door canvass, police are asking residents to report incidents where a person knocking at the door seems surprised to find someone at home or seems to have an implausible explanation for being in the neighbourhood. Information as brief as a description of a suspect, or a license plate number is important and may ultimately solve more cases.