On Thursday, April 26th there will be an Impaired Driving Prevention Presentation given to Grade 11 and 12 classes in the library at the New Westminster Senior Secondary High School.
A pivotal speaker at this event is Michael Buckingham who was a Washington State Trooper who was hit in his police vehicle and subsequently trapped in a fire. His resulting burns make for a dramatic visual presentation of harm caused from impaired driving. His message to students will help them to think twice about impaired driving, speed, seatbelt use, and general road safety issues.
Click here for a preview of Mike Buckingham.
ICBC has provided a wrecked vehicle involved in an impaired related motor vehicle collision to be displayed in the school’s courtyard for a visual representation of this very important message.
It has been several years since a presentation on impaired driving has been provided to students at New Westminster Senior Secondary School. The School Liaison Officer, Constable Jackie Suchodolski of the New Westminster Police Department, advises, “We expect this presentation will have a significant impact on the students and hope that it will influence their future decisions in a positive way.”