New Westminster Police members were kept busy dealing with a parolee last week.
On April 3rd, 2012, NWPD Patrol members were called to a local halfway house after staff at that location had located what they believed to be a hand grenade in the discarded effects of one of their parolees who was now wanted on a warrant for suspension of their Federal parole. The RCMP Explosive Disposal Unit was called to the scene but due to the military nature of the device a Canadian Forces Explosives Team had to be called over from Vancouver Island. Thankfully, upon further inspection the device was determined to be inert and was safely disposed of.
Later that day a male entered a New Westminster Financial Institution in the 600 block of 6th Street and advised one of the tellers it was a “hold up” and that he had a “grenade”. The male obtained an undisclosed amount of cash and fled the scene. NWPD investigators quickly linked the two incidents and began investigating the parolee for the robbery.
On April 4th, 2012 the male in question was located in Vancouver by VPD officers and taken into custody on the strength of his parole warrant. Subsequent investigation has resulted in the following charges being laid against Darren STEFANCIZAN, a 51 year old male currently of No Fixed Address:
- One count of robbery in relation to the bank robbery in New Westminster on April 3rd.
- One count of robbery in relation to a bank robbery in Vancouver on April 2nd.