Between January 22nd and February 28th, 2012, NWPD investigators had been working on a rash of robberies and break and enters occurring in New Westminster. On February 28th a citizen interrupted a male who had broken into his neighbour’s residence in the 800 block of Royal Avenue. The citizen followed the suspect on foot while calling 911 and observed him enter another residence. NWPD patrol members quickly responded to the scene and took the male suspect into custody. Further investigation by the NWPD Major Crime, Street Crime, Operational Support and Forensic Identification units has linked this suspect to a number of other robberies and break-in’s already under investigation.
Patrick BROWN, a 30 year old New Westminster resident, has now been charged with twelve (12) counts of Robbery and four (4) counts of Breaking and Entering. BROWN remains in custody pending his next court appearance.