Non-Emergency 604-525-5411

Emergency 9-1-1


Please direct your inquiry to one of the contacts below.

If you would like to report a crime that is an emergency, please call 9-1-1. To report a crime that is not an emergency, please visit our online reporting page, call our non-emergency line at 604-525-5411 or attend our front counter at 555 Columbia Street, New Westminster, BC.

General Inquiries

For general inquiries, please email us at [email protected]. Reports or complaints should only be submitted by phone, in person, or through out online reporting portal. We do not accept reports or complaints via email, text or social media. Please note that this email address is NOT monitored 24/7.

Traffic Complaint

Advise the New Westminster Police of traffic-related problems by completing a report via online reporting.

Compliment the work of an NWPD member

If you’ve recently observed an employee of the New Westminster Police Department going that extra mile, we’d like to hear from you! A Professional Standards Unit Investigator can be contacted by calling 604-525-5411 during normal business hours or via our confidential email [email protected].

Police Insignia

You can send your patch trading proposal to Det-Cst. Gareth Blount by emailing us at [email protected].

Crime Free Multi Housing

Email the CFMH coordinator at [email protected] or call 604-529-2446.

Crime Prevention Unit Volunteer

Email the Crime Prevention Unit with your volunteering inquiries at [email protected] or call 604-529-2446.

Professional Standards Unit

if your interaction with a member of the New Westminster Police has been unsatisfactory and you wish to pursue a complaint, please contact a member of the Professional Standards Unit by calling 604-525-5411 during normal business hours or via our confidential email [email protected].

Victim Assistance Unit

Email the Victim Assistance Unit at [email protected] or call 604-529-2525 (fax: 604-529-2478).